The Best Ways to Prevent Ingrown Hairs After Waxing

No matter what hair removal method you use, there are going to be times where you’re stuck with the pain-in-the-cat reality of ingrown hairs. If you find yourself constantly battling the little red bumps, we’re here to help!

Here is our fool-proof guide to help you on your way to perfect, bump-free skin.

What are the characteristics of an ingrown hair?

If you’re not very concerned with your appearance, it may have taken you years to discover what those annoying bumps were that riddled your legs growing up. It may have taken even longer to discover that there are multiple types of little red bumps that come from removing body hair. Since we’re focusing on ingrown hairs, let’s go over how to identify their characteristics to identify them from other bumps you may see.

Body hair in the shape of a loop

To me, the easiest way to identify an ingrown hair is by, well, the hair that comes out of it. While picking and squeezing your ingrown hairs is not recommended (it puts unnecessary stress on the skin and could result in damage), the hair that reveals itself once you open up the bump is a clear indicator. Since ingrown hairs form by new growth becoming trapped under your skin, any ingrown hairs will present themselves in the shape of a swirl or loop once exposed. 

Redness or soreness surrounding the hair follicle

Another good indicator for ingrown hairs is a red or brown hue surrounding the area where the shaft would normally surface from. It can also be common for some ingrown hairs to become so inflamed that they are sore to the touch.

If you’re confident that your small red bump is an ingrown hair and have found that it is already sore to the touch, it is best to act fast before the situation worsens as infections can occur as a result.

Burning, itching or stinging around the area

Unfortunately, there are going to be times in which your ingrown hairs do become infected. When the trapped hair becomes infected, it can result in the bump filling with puss and becoming hot to the touch. Other signs of infection include stinging and burning. 

While this may seem alarming, it does happen. It is important to seek treatment if this is a frequent, reoccurring issue.  

How can you prevent ingrown hairs from forming?

prevent ingrown hairs

Although ingrown hairs are excessively common, there are (thankfully) a few ways to prevent them from becoming a recurring issue. In order to mitigate these little bumps, we need to understand how and why they occur so that we can treat the root causes. 

Flawed body hair removal process

The first stop is assessing your hair removal processes. Shaving is the number one proponent of ingrown hairs, as cutting the hair shaft at the level of the epidermis is an easy way to have any new growth become trapped. Additionally, dull razors or improper techniques can only further the likelihood of ingrown hairs when shaving. If shaving is your preferred method of hair removal, you can minimize the risk of trapped hairs by exfoliating regularly. The truth of it is, regardless of how you choose to remove hair, if you do not exfoliate, you are making it easier for new growth to become encased in dry and dead skin.

Inflamed and clogged hair follicles

If you know your skin is irritated, try to be proactive when participating in your method of hair removal. If your skin is inflamed or your pores are clogged, the likelihood of ingrown hairs forming is ever present. If you are shaving, try to douse the skin in warm water to open your pores. When waxing, ensure that you exfoliate prior to your appointment and soothe the skin with aloe and witch hazel following your appointment.

Tight clothing with little room for the body to breathe, excess friction 

Although you may feel fierce in that form fitting outfit that perfectly hugs your curves, it may not be the best thing for chronic ingrown hairs. You see, form fitting attire doesn't leave room for your skin to breathe and can actually press new growth back into the skin. Allow ample time for your skin to get the fresh air it needs so that you can mitigate those annoying bumps.

Can you prevent ingrown hairs prior to your wax appointment?

In addition to being reactive, there are things that you can do to be proactive about ingrown hairs. Here are our pre-wax rituals to ensure we get flawless skin, every time. 

Gentle exfoliation a few days prior to your appointment

The key here is the words “a few days prior”. While exfoliating is crucial to the success of your wax, it must happen no sooner than 24 hours prior. Regular exfoliation means that your skin isn't suffocating under invisible layers of dry, dull skin. Exfoliation also allows the wax to adhere to the hair shaft seamlessly as there is no buildup blocking portion of hair closest to the follicle. 

Using products like ingrown hair serums 

If these bumps are a repeated enemy, it may be time to invest in ingrown hair serums. The science gods have formulated what feels like a magical potion to help those of us who constantly battle ingrown hairs. Regularly utilizing these serums both in between after your sessions will mitigate the likelihood of trapped hair. 

Moisturizing, hydrating and cleansing every single day to remove dirt and debris

Last, but certainly not least, is hydration! Implementing a regular skincare routine that consists of cleansing your skin and applying a supple moisturizer guarantees that your skin gets the nutrients it needs to thrive and look its best.

Brave Kitty Waxing will take your hair removal experience to the next level

Looking for the puurfect new spot for all your waxing needs? Look no further than LA’s Brave Kitty Waxing. We want to elevate your hair removal experience and help you feel confident in your skin. Call or book with us online, today! 


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