Curious About Waxing? What You Should Know Before a Brazilian Wax

There’s nothing like nicking your bikini crease with a razor. Me-ouch! The burning sensation and subsequent bleeding are the worst. And we know! we’ve had our fair share of terror behind the razor. 

If you’re ready to ditch the blade and opt for a more comfortable and longer lasting hair removal experience, then strut your kitty over here. We’re ready to wax it all off for you!

What is a Brazilian wax?

If you’re curious about the famous Brazilian wax, you’re one of millions. Made popular in the U.S in the 80s, with the birth of the string bikini, this all-time favorite wax style is still one of the most requested styles today. All the hair from your intimate zone is removed, labia to crack. For some it's a matter of convenience, for others it's a preference for feel. But the beautiful thing about waxing is that no matter what you’re into, there’s a little something for every single body out there.

Comparing a Brazilian wax to a bikini wax

If you’re wondering what the differences are between Brazilian wax and bikini wax, let’s clear it up. Touted as two of the most popular types of waxes, the bikini wax involves the removal of any hair that appears outside of your bathing suit or underwear. 

The bikini wax is clean, with well groomed bikini lines. It leaves pubic hair on your pubic bone (mons-pubis) but takes away anything protruding out from under it.

The Brazilian wax removes hair from the front to the crack. In other words, all gone, leaving you smoother than a fresh jar of skippy.

Feeling too bare? Leave a little behind 

We find so many different ways to express our personality and preferences in our style. Be it our hair color, tattoos, or clothing, part of what makes us so unique is that we all enjoy different things. The same goes for pubic hair. There’s no set expectation or requirement of you to do anything other than what feels best for your body. You can leave a triangle or landing strip on top, or customize a more natural design. We can groom it to your liking.

Other benefits of a Brazilian wax

With the proper preparation and aftercare, Brazilian waxing can be one of the best things you’ve ever done to exfoliate and take care of such a sensitive area of your skin. If you book regular appointments, your hair will start to grow back finer and sparser, too!

How we to prepare for your Brazilian wax appointment

Most people skip washing their hair when they get a haircut to have the full studio experience. And like that move, there are little things you can do to prepare for your Brazilian wax appointment that have a similar impact on your session quality.

What to avoid before your session

For about 24 hours prior to your appointment, make sure you ditch the tanning salon, shaving, or acne treatments that can affect your skin. Take a shower, gently exfoliate the night before, and relax! 

What to expect during your waxing appointment

brazilian waxing

During your appointment, your esthetician will walk you through every step of the way. This is what they do best, so if you have any questions during your appointment, don’t hesitate to ask!

Estheticians love the world of waxing, and they could talk about skincare (on any area of your body) for hours. So if you have concerns about ingrowns on your pubic bone or near your bikini line, don’t be shy. Ask for what you need and you’ll have an even better experience.

How painful is Brazilian waxing?

Waxing isn’t exactly the most comfortable experience you can have. But! It doesn't have to be a painful experience. Since you’ll be waxing one of your more sensitive areas and you’re probably interested in how this waxing experience will affect your pain tolerance, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol about 30 minutes before your appointment. Especially if you are prone to sensitive skin issues.

The good news: Brave Kitty Waxing specializes in making waxing quick, with years of experience and techniques to minimize pain and discomfort.

Brazilian waxing aftercare tips

Your aftercare post-Brazilian wax will set your skin up for success. You can engage in things that will help prevent any irritation or inflammation by following a couple of key steps.

What to avoid right after your Brazilian wax

For about 24 hours after your wax appointment, be sure to avoid saunas, skip the gym and reschedule your tanning bed appointment. This includes hot showers and baths, and any swimming in hot water. Give your skin some space to breathe by wearing loose-fitting clothing, too.

How long does a Brazilian wax last?

For most people, a Brazilian wax can last anywhere from three to four weeks. And it's important to note that your body hair should be at least a quarter of an inch long before heading into your wax appointment. If not, your wax will have a difficult time adhering properly to your skin, causing skin, follicle, and texture issues.

Book your first Brazilian waxing appointment with Brave Kitty Waxing!

Brave Kitty Waxing stepped onto the scene to deliver person-centered, compassionate waxing services that uphold the highest quality standards during your visit. We cannot wait to meet you, so head on over to our website to book your first appointment!


Soft Wax vs Hard Wax: Why We Specialize in Soft Wax